
Wednesday, May 18



The prophetic revelation I had concerning President Buhari of Nigeria. Greetings to  you all .This message  of  God almighty  first came to me on the 25th  of December 2015, I was mandated by God  to tell President  Buhari of Nigeria this prophecies.

First God  said Buhari  has boasted in secrets of his intentions to  wipe  out Igbo’s by planting  soldiers  all over the  Igbo  land and also  with the intention to use  Biafra protest to wipe  out Igbos because  of  their intention to  pull out from  Nigeria. God told  me  that Buhari  came  to power  in  Nigeria with  the  spirit of Adolph  Hitler and  with a  mission of  killing the  Igbos  as Adolph  Hitler  killed over  6 million  Jews.
The Almighty  God  told me   that  because he has   boasted  with some  foreign  powers that are  Islamic  in nature that  he  will raise  an  internal matters  that  will crush his  Government  as from  March,  2016.The Buhari  led  Governmet will  be  by then  but  will exist as if  he  is  no more.God also  revealed  to me  where  Buhari is  sitting  on a black  table  and  Iasked the  spirit  of  God,why  is he sitting  on  the black  table?
God told  me  that his government  has  been darkened  by  the angels  of  heaven.And either  he  rules with  blindness  or with  a  condition that  he  cannot be able  to  perform his  official  duties.I began  to  pray again  and  to ask  God  why such  a  terrible situation
The  spirit of  God told  me  to tell  Buhari that  he will not  let  him  tolive  to fulfill his  evil plansagainst  His  people, the Igbos  and against  the body of  Christ in  Nigeria.God expressly  revealed  to me  that  Buhari  has two  demonic agendas  given tp  him  from the  pit  of hell.
The first  agenda is  to pull down  the  churches in  Nigeria and  to stop advancement  of  the gospel  work  from the North  to  all parts  of  Nigeria in  general.The second  agenda is  to ipe  out  Igbos and  to  close down  all gigantic  businesses in  Nigeria  and hotels  been  owned  by  the  Igbos.God told  me he  is the  African  Hitler as  Adolph  Hitler is of  Europe.
The spirit  of  God also  told  me to warn  Nigeria Vice  President, Professor  Obasanjo that  he  will pull  him  out of  the  government in a  mysterious  way because  he  is an  unprofitable servant  to the  GOD  ALMIGHTY.God also  told   me that  he will  personally open  up  a lot  of things  .
President Buhari  has  covered under  his  carpet while  he  is busy  looking  for people  more  innocent  than  him  to  probe and  prosecute.God almighty  told  me that  people  shall run away  in  mass out  of  Nigeria is  when  he  will  begin  his  judgement  against  President Buhari  Of  Nigeria.
The Almighty  Father  also told  me  that Buhari’s war  against  the igbos  is  a divine  mandate  given to  him  by the  heaven  for the  actualization   of Biafra as  a  nation and  for  wiping out  Buhari  and his men  as  pharaoh ,the king  of   Egypt was  wiped  off with  his  men in  the  Red sea as  they  were busy pursuing  the  sons of  Jacob.
God told  me  to tell Buhari  that   the blood  of  Igbos he  shed  during the  Nigeria  civil war  is  still crying unto  him  in heavens  and  he will  not  wait any longer  to  take full  vengeance  on Nigeria for  the  blood of  Igbos  massacred in  northern  Nigeria from 1966 progrom  to  1967-1970 civil  war.
There  shall  be more  deadly  terrorist sponsored  groups  emerging from  northern  Nigeria with  a  divine mandate  to  pursue Buhari  out of  power .Igbos will  not fight  Buhari but  God said, He  will  use internal force  from  his own   home  and among  his  people to  crush  him and  his  government to  pieces.
God bless  you  for reading . You  will  surely live  to  witness the  programs unfolding.
Thanks  and be  highly  blessed for reading through this message.
Bishop Uchenna C Okonkwor
Source: newsflashnaija

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