
Monday, January 25

94 year old man arrested for assaulting a 73-year-old woman

A 94-year-old man has been arrested and charged with s*xually assaulting a woman of seventy-three.
The bizarre case has been put before the courts in Denver, Colorado.

The Denver Post reports that Robert Lehnert has been charged in connection with a s*xual assault on an acquaintance.

Denver prosecutors said the nonagenarian is now facing two counts of s*xual assault, according to the Denver District Attorney.

The charges allege that Lehnert s*xually assaulted the victim in her home on January. 6.
Lehnert was arrested earlier this week and has been released from custody on a $50,000 bond.
His next court appearance is scheduled on February 5 for a formal advisement of his charges.

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